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We are beyond excited to announce Windows Terminal! Windows Terminal is a new, modern, fast, efficient, powerful, and productive terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL.

我们很高兴宣布Windows Terminal! Windows Terminal是一个新的,现代化的,快速,高效,强大和高效的终端应用程序,适用于命令行工具和命令提示符,PowerShell和WSL等shell的用户。

Windows Terminal will be delivered via the Microsoft Store in Windows 10 and will be updated regularly, ensuring you are always up to date and able to enjoy the newest features and latest improvements with minimum effort.

Windows终端将通过Windows 10中的Microsoft Store交付,并将定期更新,以确保您始终保持最新状态,并能够以最少的努力享受最新的功能和最新的改进。

Windows终端的主要功能 (Windows Terminal key features)

多个标签 (Multiple tabs)

You’ve asked and we’ve listened! The most frequently requested feature for the Terminal is multiple tab support and we are SUPER excited to FINALLY be able to deliver this key feature. You will now be able to open any number of tabs, each connected to a command-line shell or app of your choice, e.g. Command Prompt, PowerShell, Ubuntu on WSL, a Raspberry Pi via SSH, etc.

你问了,我们听了! 终端最常请求的功能是多个选项卡支持,我们很高兴最终能够提供此关键功能。 现在,您将能够打开任意数量的选项卡,每个选项卡都连接到您选择的命令行外壳或应用程序,例如命令提示符,PowerShell,WSL上的Ubuntu,通过SSH的Raspberry Pi等。

美丽的文字 (Beautiful text)

The Windows Terminal uses a GPU accelerated DirectWrite/DirectX-based text rendering engine. This new text rendering engine will display text characters, glyphs, and symbols present within fonts on your PC, including CJK ideograms, emoji, powerline symbols, icons, programming ligatures, etc. This engine also renders text much faster than the previous Console’s GDI engine!

Windows终端使用GPU加速的基于DirectWrite / DirectX的文本呈现引擎。 这个新的文本呈现引擎将显示PC字体中存在的文本字符,字形和符号,包括CJK表意文字,表情符号,电力线符号,图标,编程连字等。该引擎还比以前的Console GDI引擎更快地呈现文本。 !

You will also have the option of using our new font! We wanted to create a fun, new, monospaced font to enhance the modern look and feel of the Terminal. Not only will this font include programming ligatures, but it will also be open sourced and have its own repository. Stay tuned for more information on the new font project!

您还可以选择使用我们的新字体! 我们希望创建一种有趣的,新的等距字体,以增强终端的现代外观。 该字体不仅会包含编程连字,而且还将是开源的并具有自己的存储库。 请继续关注有关新字体项目的更多信息!

设置和可配置性 (Settings and configurability)

We have connected with so many command-line users who LOVE to customize their terminals and command-line applications. Windows Terminal provides many settings and configuration options that give you a great deal of control over the Terminal’s appearance and each of the shells/profiles that you can open as new tabs. Settings are stored in a structured text file making it easy for users and/or tools to configure.

我们已经与许多喜欢自定义终端和命令行应用程序的命令行用户建立了联系。 Windows终端提供了许多设置和配置选项,使您可以对终端的外观以及可以作为新选项卡打开的每个外壳程序/配置文件进行大量控制。 设置存储在结构化的文本文件中,使用户和/或工具易于配置。

Using Terminal’s configuration mechanism, you will be able to create multiple “profiles” for each shell/app/tool you want to use, whether it be PowerShell, Command Prompt, Ubuntu, or even SSH connections to Azure or IoT devices. These profiles can have their own combination of font styles and sizes, color themes, background blur/transparency levels, etc. You can now create your own custom-styled Terminal that is personalized to your unique taste!

使用终端的配置机制,您将能够为要使用的每个外壳程序/应用程序/工具创建多个“配置文件”,无论是PowerShell,命令提示符,Ubuntu,甚至是与Azure或IoT设备的SSH连接。 这些配置文件可以具有自己的字体样式和大小,颜色主题,背景模糊/透明度级别等组合。您现在可以创建自己的自定义样式终端,以个性化您的独特品味!

更多! (More!)

After we’ve shipped Windows Terminal 1.0, we plan to get started on many of the features already in our backlog, in addition to the many features you as the community are likely to add!

交付Windows Terminal 1.0后,我们计划开始使用积压的许多功能,此外,您可能会为社区增加许多功能!

我什么时候可以得到它? (When can I get my hands on it?)

As of today, the Windows Terminal and Windows Console have been made open source and you can clone, build, run, and test the code from the repository on GitHub: 

从今天开始,Windows终端和Windows控制台已开源,您可以从GitHub上的存储库中克隆,构建,运行和测试代码: :

This summer in 2019, Windows Terminal previews will be released to the Microsoft Store for early adopters to use and provide feedback.

2019年夏天,Windows Terminal预览版将发布到Microsoft Store,供早期采用者使用和提供反馈。

This winter in 2019, our goal is to launch Windows Terminal 1.0 and we’ll work with the community to ensure it’s ready before we release!

在2019年的这个冬天,我们的目标是启动Windows Terminal 1.0,我们将与社区合作以确保在发布前已经准备好!


等等...你说开源吗? (Wait… did you say open source?)

Yes we did! We are excited to announce that we are open sourcing not just Windows Terminal, but also the Windows Console which hosts the command-line infrastructure in Windows and provides the traditional Console UX.

是的我们做了! 我们很高兴地宣布,我们不仅开放采购Windows Terminal,而且开放Windows控制台,该控制台承载Windows中的命令行基础结构并提供传统的控制台UX。

We can’t wait to work with you on improving and enhancing the Windows command-line experience!


这听起来很棒,但是为什么不改善现有的Windows控制台呢? (This sounds awesome, but why couldn’t you just improve the existing Windows Console?)

The primary goal of the Windows Console is to preserve backward compatibility with existing command-line tools, scripts, etc. While we’ve managed to introduce many key improvements to the Console’s features (e.g. adding VT and 24-bit color support, etc. ), we are unable to introduce further meaningful improvements to the Console’s UI without “breaking the world.”

Windows控制台的主要目标是保持与现有命令行工具,脚本等的向后兼容性。尽管我们设法对控制台的功能进行了许多关键的改进(例如,添加了VT和24位颜色支持等)。 ),我们无法在不“破坏世界”的情况下对控制台的UI进行进一步的有意义的改进。

Therefore, the time has come for a new, fresh approach.


Windows Terminal installs and runs alongside the existing in-box Windows Console application. If you run Cmd/PowerShell/etc. directly, they will start attached to a traditional Console instance in the exact same way they do today. This way, backward compatibility remains intact while providing you the option of experiencing Windows Terminal if/when you wish to do so. Windows Console will continue to ship within Windows for decades to come in order to support existing/legacy applications and systems.

Windows终端安装并与现有的内置Windows控制台应用程序一起运行。 如果您运行Cmd / PowerShell / etc。 直接,它们将开始以与今天完全相同的方式连接到传统的Console实例。 这样,向后兼容性将保持原样,同时在您愿意的情况下为您提供体验Windows终端的选项。 Windows控制台将继续在Windows中运行数十年,以支持现有/旧版应用程序和系统。

好的,但是如何为现有的开源终端/应用程序项目做出贡献呢? (Okay, but what about contributing to an existing open source terminal/app project instead?)

We carefully explored this option during planning and determined our involvement in an existing project would require changing the project’s requirements and architecture in ways that would be too disruptive.


Instead, by creating a new open-source terminal application, and open-sourcing Windows Console, we can now invite the community to collaborate with us on improving the code and leveraging it in their respective projects.


We believe there is plenty of room in the market for new/different ideas about what a terminal can and should do and we aim to help the ecosystem of terminal (and related) applications flourish and grow through the introduction of new ideas, interesting approaches, and exciting innovations in this space.


我卖了! 我该如何参与? (I’m sold! How can I get involved?)

Visit the repo at  to clone, build, test, and run the Terminal! You can file bugs and share feedback with us and the community as well as fix issues and make improvements on GitHub.

访问位于的存储库,以克隆,构建,测试和运行终端! 您可以提交错误并与我们和社区分享反馈,并修复问题并在GitHub上进行改进。

Starting this summer, try installing and running Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store. If you come across any bugs, share feedback either via the Feedback Hub or GitHub issues for detailed issues/discussions.

从今年夏天开始,请尝试从Microsoft Store安装和运行Windows Terminal。 如果遇到任何错误,请通过反馈中心或GitHub问题共享反馈,以获取详细的问题/讨论。

We are thrilled to be working with you! If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to Kayla  and/or Rich  on Twitter. We can’t wait to see what exciting improvements and features you make to Windows Terminal and Windows Console.

我们很高兴与您合作! 如果您有任何疑问或反馈,请在Twitter上与Kayla 和/或Rich 。 我们迫不及待想看到您对Windows终端和Windows控制台进行了哪些激动人心的改进和功能。

Authors: , 

作者: ( , (


Program Manager, Windows Terminal, Command-Line, & WSL





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